Learning Tmux2
Feb 24, 2021
As most of my work flow is done in the terminal, I open up a lot of terminal windows. Using i3 I can handle quite a few at a time but sometimes I have long running processes which just clutter up my screen. For example running a local Django server, it essentially runs in the background and if there is an unexpected crash you would need to look at the logs but most of the time it just takes up screen real estate without doing anything. Tmux promises to give me back full control over my screen. …
Mastering basic Python algorithms
Feb 05, 2021
I was never a fan of diving into the math needed for understanding algorithms, until I found myself in the hole with if/else loops and horrible quadratic growth and complexity. To get my Data Engineering knowledge and skills to the next level I had to face up my math and dive into this book. As a side note: Never skip out on the harder stuff in school, or in life in general, it will come back to bite you. …
Test Driven Development Obey the test goat
Dec 24, 2020
Continuing with the Test Driven Development books I got started on Test Driven Development with Python and learned to obey the testing goat. As it is an O’Reilly book you can read it online for free. Read TDD with Django here Part 1 The first part is an introduction to TDD and Django. It starts slow and then ramps up as you get to grasps with the concepts. I recommend Python and Django beginners to first run through the Django tutorial even though as of writing the current Django version is 3.1 and the book uses 1.11. This should not matter too much for the theory of TDD which is the aim of this book. …
Test Driven Development By Example
Nov 21, 2020
This week I dug the book Test-Driven Development By Example out of my closet. In the book a case is presented, a customer working with a bond portfolio management system wants to add different currency bonds. It is up to you to check if the system can handle that. This books guides you through a scenario using TDD in Java. Although halfway through it switches to Python because it uses the xUnit testing structure. What is xUnit you may ask, as I did as well. …